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Diet Tips for Teeth

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Do you know keeping a healthy diet can improve the health of your teeth? Well, it’s true! There are foods that can help and hinder your oral health, which is why keeping a healthy diet can help keep your smile strong too. As a result, our dentist, Dr. Alan L. Frame with Alan L. Frame, D.D.S. in Santa Clara, California, is here to give you diet tips for your teeth.

For starters, a healthy smile and lifestyle include the foods and drinks you consume each day. Try to ask yourself, what are you putting into your body? If you eat sugars and sweets, you increase your risk for cavities and diabetes. By eating healthy foods like vegetables and proteins, you improve your health and keep your smile healthy.

There are foods like fruits, whole grains, proteins, vegetables, and fat-free dairy foods can help keep your teeth healthy as well as deliver a healthier body for yourself too. By restraining the number of snacks between meals, you decrease the bacteria and plaque that can be exposed to your teeth and gums. Having a healthy diet is vital to your oral health. By having a healthy diet with positive oral health care, you can utilize a clean and healthy smile for years to come.

Like any oral health care routine, remember to visit your dentist regularly for professional dental cleanings. This can help with ward off any bacteria or conditions that may arise early and keep your smile healthier long-term. So, call us today at 408-244-3562 if you feel it’s time for an appointment. Our dental team is always happy to help clean your smile.

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